The Power of Grit

At LSP Recruit, we’re always looking for ways to inspire and empower professionals on their journey towards success. Recently we saw a thought-provoking Ted Talk that looks at the essence of a characteristic called grit, and we wanted to share it here.

In a world where social media often highlights only achievements, it’s easy to perceive setbacks, such as being laid off, as personal failures. But let’s remember that every success story is built on a winding path filled with challenges. What truly matters is how we navigate and overcome these obstacles along the way.

When we interview candidates, we find immense value in understanding their approach to adversity and resilience. It’s fascinating to see individuals who possess determination, perseverence, and what psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth calls “grit.” These are the qualities that truly distinguish someone in today’s competitive landscape.

So, today, we encourage you to reflect on your own journey and the people who have inspired you with their grit. Who comes to mind when you think about someone who has faced setbacks head-on and emerged stronger?

Remember, true success is not just defined by intelligence or appearances. It goes well beyond these things. It’s about the passion, drive, and determination that fuels a person’s pursuit of excellence.

Take a look at Angela’s Ted Talk. In just three short minutes, she unveils the secret ingredient that sets apart the truly successful individuals. You might be surprised to discover how much grit can impact your career journey and open doors to new opportunities.

Ted Talk on Grit by Angela Lee Duckworth